Friday, February 1, 2008

I'm back

Wow, it's been a long time since I've blogged. So much has happened, and yet everything is the same. How can that be? Time has gone by, the kids have grown in so many ways, Little Princess is now 4, lego boy has had a hearing implant surgery (more on that later), science boy has matured in so many ways, and I've started working part-time. And still, the house is in major disorder, my husband can't seem to pick things up...just steps over them, I'm feeling overwhelmed (ok, I also have had 3 sick kids this week, and I'm not feeling well). So a lot has changed, but not much. I still don't understand how that happens. What a mystery. But I'm hopping to start blogging again, and to somehow make it more interesting. I've been trying to get a little more creative lately, so hopefully that will also transfer into my writing.


mamashine said...

Life does take up lots of time!

I was thinking your blog must have somehow fallen out of my reader- but you just had taken a break. :) Glad I still have you where I can find you.