Sunday, September 30, 2007

Menu Plan Monday - October 1

Well, it hasn't been a great weekend. I had an hour and a half meeting with Lego boys teacher Friday night. More on that later, then I woke up sick Saturday...stuffed up nose, drainage, killer headache...then Little Princess developed a fever, and my husband. Today (Sunday) I still wasn't feeling well, neither was little princess. So on my way home from taking Lego boy to his riding lesson I had to stop and buy a thermometer (for the life of me I can not find one in the house, and I know we have a few lying around...somewhere taunting me). Anyway, I took my temperature...101.4! I knew I wasn't feeling well, but I wow, I didn't think I had a fever. Little Princess' was 102.3. So something is going around this house! Therefore, with all of that plus extra-curricular activities, I'm trying to do simple meals this week.

Monday - Baked chicken, baked potatoes, saute spinach, corn
Tuesday - Roasted pork loin, corn, rolls (none for me, haven't found a good GF one yet) roasted butternut squash
Wednesday - Sweet Tarragon Chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans
Thursday - Creamy Potatoes 'n' Kielbasa,(instead of the condensed cream of mushroom soup, I will just use Progresso cream of Mushroom soup), broccoli (Lego boy will probably have a hot dog)
Friday - Family movie & pizza night (I just bought some Little Caeser Pizza Kits, so hubby and kids will have that), I'll either have a GF pizza or seafood
Saturday - Hubby & boys going camping, Little Princess and I will have a mommy/daughter day.
Sunday - Spaghetti (hubby and kids will have regular spaghetti, I'll either have GF spaghetti, or something else)

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Well I made it to Orlando. I wasn't sure I would.

I had these great plans that I would be able to do all the laundry (ok, I confess it's gotten a little, well way, out of hand), vacuum upstairs and down, clean bathrooms, the kitchen (floors included)...well basically clean the house top to bottom. Somehow only a peak of the laundry got done, and a little vacuuming. But that's it. Then when I picked up the boys from school Science boys teacher brought him out to me. "Oh no" I thought "what has happened". Turns out he threw up in class (poor baby) right before dismissal. He then threw up two more times at home. Just so I didn't leave my parents with a really sick to the doctors we went. Thankfully, it was just his allergies so he is on medicine and was able to go to school today. My husband didn't get home until 10, and had to pack for his business trip. Somehow I did manage to get the kids packed up for my parents, and myself mostly packed. Mostly, since I do not have my contacts, my toothbrush, and who knows what else. Always something.

But so far the MOPS convention has been so wonderful. The speakers and the music have been so uplifting. It proves to be a great weekend. Oh and did I mention that I have a room to myself (King size bed all for ME!!! nobody to climb in at 2am), a computer in the room, a balcony. I even indulged in room service tonight for dinner and if it wasn't so late the chocolate fondue on the menu would be mine :)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Menu Plan Monday - September 17 and ramblings

I know it's been a while since I last posted. I just needed to take a break....not so much from blogging, but from thinking. I'm not sure why but I have been so stressed out lately. I had told my husband that I was going to take a break from everything this school year, not "join" anything. Ha! I don't know what I was thinking. So not me! I figured I could really start to re-organize the house, and really focus on Lego boy, if he needed extra help at school etc.

It started with not joining MOPS again. I love MOPS and have gotten a lot out of it, but I felt I didn't "need" it as much with my 3rd as I did with my 1st. But of course I joined again, and again I am on the Steering team. But I did join for very selfish reasons. My two best friends from Virginia called me a few weeks apart (and they don't know each other very well - so they don't see each other or anything) saying that they were going to MOPS convention this year was I going? I've gone the past two years, but since I wasn't planning on joining I wasn't going to go. So I joined to go to Convention (Orlando!) and see them. I did feel that I was being lead to go back to MOPS, other things happened to gently guide me back. But my friends going to convention was the big push. And, to tell the truth, although it just started, this is the best year yet. I've gotten so much out of it. At first I thought it would be weird. Everyone on steering (except for the mentor moms) are under 27. I'm 40. Huge age difference. But they are all wonderful. I really don't think I would have been so together to have a family in my 20's....which is probably why it didn't happen until I was 30.

I also said that I would not help out so much at the kids school. Only if needed for Lego Boy. I'm on the PTA, room mom for one of the kids, and a substitute teacher for my daughter's preschool. The thing is, none of this is stressing me out, not a one takes that much time at all. I think I would be more stressed out if I wasn't involved...I'm so not the type to do nothing. I have to keep busy. I guess so many other things are going on. The kids starting school, my husband traveling, going to convention this week, I just feel like I'm going in even more directions than normal. Actually, I think I'm just anxious to go. Don't get me wrong, I will miss my family. But come on almost 4 days away is just so tempting. Every year I go I come back so refreshed, and, I admit, I love all the exhibitors there, selling their products. In fact I can't wait to see the products from Accountable Kids . Kelli in the Mirror has blogged about them, and they sound wonderful. And best of all I can shop by myself :)

Now please don't get me wrong. I have not gone crazy joining everything. In fact I have said no to more things than I've said yes to. I had decided not to watch kids this year and I'm not. A store I go to often asked me to work there, and I said no, as well as several other things. So I'm not compltly crazy :)

Actually, after all this rambling, I figured out what it is. Lego Boy. Please do not get me wrong. I would'nt trade him for the world. God picked me to be him mom I fully embrace that. But at times, being the mom of a special needs child....well it can be so overwhelming. Especially when things aren't going so well. But I will leave that for another post.

Wow, what a rambling.Hope you all stuck it out to see the menu for the week:

Monday - Honey Baked Chicken, mashed cauliflower, carrots, corn

Tuesday - Pork carnitas, corn tortillas, guacamole, salad

Wednesday - Indonesian Ginger Chicken, rice, broccoli

Thursday - Leave for MOPS Convention!